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Broadcasting 24/7 Listen Live

Ocean Upwards

We use radio and music production to build self-confidence and employability skills in young people

We use radio and music production to build self-confidence and employability skills in young people aged 16-25 living in Torbay. They participate in workshops followed by work experience to further develop and practice their skills in a realworld setting. They also gain AQA qualifications in music, radio and youth leadership. Our aim is to offer as many of these young people paid work when possible.

Key Aims:

  • Increase young people's creativity
  • Increase young people’s confidence
  • Develop young people's digital and communication skills
  • Develop young people's understanding of their own strengths
  • Develop young people's understanding of the kinds of jobs that are available
  • Increase young people's knowledge on how to research and apply for work
  • Help young people feel more positive about their future

"Doing this course has helped me to open up and work in a team more effectively.”


“It was great. This is the first time I have ever completed a course like this."


“The course really gave me a chance to flesh out my music skills and tap into new areas of audio like radio and podcasting.”



Further Reading....