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Broadcasting 24/7 Listen Live


A series of inspiring short podcasts to encourage young people across the bay to take part in physical activity after covid.

Our team of young producers recorded  interviews and sounds of young people BMXing, skating, footballing, paddle-boarding, playing basketball and coasteering (+ others) across Torbay.  Radioactive captured the “buzz” that they young people across Torbay feel after taking part in physical activity. The podcasts were accompanied by some creative social media posts promoting the podcasts and the key messages within them.

Each podcast has a particular focus and signposts young people to free taster sessions. The series is played out and promoted on Ocean Youth Radio.  

Key Aims:

  • Encourage and increase physical activity for young people in Torbay especially those hit hardest by the pandemic.
  • Develop skills and connectivity between young people in Torbay
